
Clover Health International

"Neglected Tropical Diseases"

A Reality That Treatable Diseases Are Left Untreated In Underserved Communities Demanding Immediate Action

"Neglected Tropical Diseases"

A Reality That Treatable Diseases Are Left Untreated In Underserved Communities Demanding Immediate Action

"Neglected Tropical Diseases"

A Reality That Treatable Diseases Are Left Untreated In Underserved Communities Demanding Immediate Action

Overcoming the challenges of delivering medical care to remote and underserved communities

The Clover Health International aims to save lives and improve health outcomes and well-being through supporting delivery of medical care to those affected by neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Through integrating technology and evidence-based medicine, we provide early detection and treatment to patients who otherwise could have been left without receiving any medical care. Research and development (R&D) and training of young individuals are also integral to our mission.

Join us in the Journey: Together, we can make a difference.

“Health” “Dignity” “Education” “Technology”

Through the pillars of “Health”, ensuring access to quality healthcare; “Dignity”, respecting the rights and well-being of affected individuals and communities; “Education”, empowering individuals with knowledge and awareness; and “Technology”, harnessing innovation for effective interventions, we strive to fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).


Noma (cancrum oris) is a pernicious gangrenous infectious disease affecting the orofacial hard and soft tissue. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality and severe facial disfigurement which calls the need the need of extensive reconstruction following treatment. It affects mostly young children between 2-6 years residing in remote area were poverty, malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, recurrent infection clusters. Poor oral hygiene perpetuates the progression of the diseases in the presence of malnutrition as well as compromised immunity of the child. According to the WHO, around 480 million people from Africa suffer from oral diseases and NOMA has been listed as one among the common oral diseases in the African region.
Behaviour is the end result of a prevailing story in one’s mind: Change the story and the behavior will change. Those are the words of Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkan and they paint a real picture of what social behavior change communication tools can achieve. And I guess that is the reason why Merck Group and Dalberg Media have identified the power of communication and organized Bilharzia Storytelling Lab in Kenya, Rwanda and then Ethiopia. This lab became my source of motivation to Beat Neglected Tropical Diseases and become a Health Equity Champion. Prior to attending the Bilharzia Storytelling Lab, I knew almost nothing about NTDs, WASH and related interventions. But the lab opened up my eyes, and I started learning about this set of 21 stigmatized diseases that have been neglected by the Global Health Agenda. I started implementing the lab, difficult but …… baby steps!!!

Technologies that support Clover Health International

In the present world, telemedicine is becoming more and more commonly practiced. While it can address the gap in access to care in the remote communities, there is not yet a good system to perform telemedicine in resource-limited settings.

For over five years, we have been working on developing a system that people in remote communities can use to improve their access to medical care, even without the internet connection. This is the “eSkinHealth”.

We especially focus on neglected tropical diseases that affect the skin, or the skin NTDs. This is because skin images serve as a strong tool in diagnosing and managing the conditions and which can be taken by our smartphones or tablets that many of us own nowadays.

How can technology be leveraged to manage skin diseases in an environment with limited internet access?

The “eSkinHealth” system was developed to address these challenges. This system serves as a portable patient electronic record as well as a platform for teledermatology when a healthcare provider needs support from a remote specialist thereby contributing to better health outcomes – Data can be entered and reviewed without internet. The platform is also used for sharing highly dense information with remote medical professionals and researchers.