Clover Health International

“Neglected Tropical Diseases”

In an era where information technology can make a difference without “large capital” or “continuous investment”


Issues around healthcare in low- and middle-income countries involve various complex factors.

Many people do not seek medical care due to lack of knowledge about medical care and financial constraints. Instead, they continue traditional treatments which are not evidence-based and which often lead to worsening conditions. Even if people have knowledge, there is a fear of stigma and discrimination when their illness becomes known to others, causing them to intentionally avoid seeking medical care.  

Furthermore, even if individuals do visit medical facilities, there may be insufficient stock of necessary medications, resulting in inadequate treatment.

In the past, addressing these issues would have required “large capital” and “continuous investment”. Today, with the advancement of information technology, the situation has significantly changed. Through application of smartphones, and cloud technology, and other innovations, even small organizations, companies, researchers, developers, and individuals to contribute to problem-solving remotely.

Clover Health International aims to achieve early diagnosis and early treatment of patients suffering from “neglected tropical diseases” and other infectious diseases prevalent in underserved communities of low- and middle-income countries. We have developed smartphone applications that can be utilized for disease management and teledermatology. We have been actively involved in data collection and research.

Our current main counterpart is Ministry of Health and organizations in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. As of June 2023, we have supported diagnosis of 2,197 patients and collected medical records of 3,486 diseases. Many of these cases in which treatment could be introduced at the stage of early diagnosis before the onset of sequelae.

Clover Health International aims to improve the quality of life of those severely affected by infectious diseases like “neglected tropical diseases”. Our goals include early detection, early treatment, and eradication / elimination of these diseases, as well as establishing related research and treatment methods and training of new skilled healthcare professionals.


Behaviour is the end result of a prevailing story in one’s mind: Change the story and the behavior will change. Those are the words of Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkan and they paint a real picture of what social behavior change communication tools can achieve. And I guess that is the reason why Merck Group and Dalberg Media have identified the power of communication and organized Bilharzia Storytelling Lab in Kenya, Rwanda and then Ethiopia. This lab became my source of motivation to Beat Neglected Tropical Diseases and become a Health Equity Champion. Prior to attending the Bilharzia Storytelling Lab, I knew almost nothing about NTDs, WASH and related interventions. But the lab opened up my eyes, and I started learning about this set of 21 stigmatized diseases that have been neglected by the Global Health Agenda. I started implementing the lab, difficult but …… baby steps!!!
Noma (cancrum oris) is a pernicious gangrenous infectious disease affecting the orofacial hard and soft tissue. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality and severe facial disfigurement which calls the need the need of extensive reconstruction following treatment. It affects mostly young children between 2-6 years residing in remote area were poverty, malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, recurrent infection clusters. Poor oral hygiene perpetuates the progression of the diseases in the presence of malnutrition as well as compromised immunity of the child. According to the WHO, around 480 million people from Africa suffer from oral diseases and NOMA has been listed as one among the common oral diseases in the African region.
Behaviour is the end result of a prevailing story in one’s mind: Change the story and the behavior will change. Those are the words of Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkan and they paint a real picture of what social behavior change communication tools can achieve. And I guess that is the reason why Merck Group and Dalberg Media have identified the power of communication and organized Bilharzia Storytelling Lab in Kenya, Rwanda and then Ethiopia. This lab became my source of motivation to Beat Neglected Tropical Diseases and become a Health Equity Champion. Prior to attending the Bilharzia Storytelling Lab, I knew almost nothing about NTDs, WASH and related interventions. But the lab opened up my eyes, and I started learning about this set of 21 stigmatized diseases that have been neglected by the Global Health Agenda. I started implementing the lab, difficult but …… baby steps!!!