Clover Health International

Privacy Policy

Article 1 (General) The Secretariat of the non-profit organization Clover Health International, which operates the “Clover Health International” website (hereinafter referred to as “this website”), hereby respects the privacy of users (hereinafter referred to as “users”) of this website and is committed to diligently manage user’s personal information. The Secretariat shall establish the following policy for the protection of user’s personal information, implement and maintain prototypes, and make continuous improvements. The Secretariat complies with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information and other applicable standards.

Article 2 (Personal Information) In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” refers to information about a living individual as defined in the Personal Information Protection Law, including individual’s name, address, telephone number, place of employment, email address, and other descriptions that can identify a specific individual (including information that can be easily matched with other information, allowing the identification of a specific individual).

Article 3 (Collection of Personal Information) The Secretariat shall collect personal information through lawful and fair means and shall not engage in any unauthorized acquisition contrary to the user’s consent. When collecting personal information, we will notify or publicly disclose the purpose of its use in advance.

Article 4 (Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies by Us) The Secretariat may collect information on user preferences, browsing history, and other information related to a user’s privacy from cookies and IP addresses, among other sources. Users can refuse the use of cookies by disabling them in their browser settings. However, if cookies, etc. are disabled, users should be aware that some problems may occur when checking the usage status of each service among others.

Article 5 (Use of Google Analytics) The Secretariat uses Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, to investigate and analyze the usage patterns of this service. 

For more information about the terms of use for Google Analytics, please visit the Google Analytics website: https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/

Additionally, for information regarding Google’s privacy policy, please refer to their website: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US .

Article 6 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information) The Secretariat shall use the personal information collected from users for the following purposes:

  1. To respond to inquiries and consultations from users.
  2. To send estimates, invoices, and related documents in response to requests for quotations, etc., from users.
  3. To request feedback and opinions from users regarding the services provided by the Secretariat.
  4. To issue warnings or notices to users who engage in or may engage in actions that violate the terms and conditions of this website or any other regulations within it.
  5. To demand the fulfillment of obligations from users who owe debts to the Secretariat.

Article 7 (Third-Party Disclosure of Personal Information) The Secretariat shall not disclose or provide the collected personal information to third parties in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law. However, this restriction does not apply in the following cases:

  1. When disclosure is required by law or regulations.
  2. When disclosure is requested by authorities or government agencies in order to protect human life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult.
  3. When disclosure is requested by public institutions such as the police, prosecutors, courts, consumer centers, etc.

Article 8 (Management of Personal Information, etc.) The Secretariat shall strictly manage personal information and other related information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and the Administrative Scrivener Act, to maintain confidentiality. However, the Secretariat does not provide any guarantees to users regarding the complete prevention of information leakage, loss, tampering by third parties, and similar incidents.

Article 9 (Management of Personal Information, etc.) The Secretariat shall securely store the collected information in a server environment that is not accessible to the general users and make efforts to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, destruction, or leakage of information.

Article 10 (Maintenance of Currency and Accuracy of Personal Information, etc.) The Secretariat shall make efforts to keep the personal information of users accurate and up-to-date within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purposes.

Article 11 (Inquiries and Requests by Users) The Secretariat will promptly address requests from individuals for inquiries, corrections, suspension of use, deletion, or other actions related to their personal information. To do so, the Secretariat will verify the identity of the individual through prescribed procedures.

Article 12 (Changes in Purpose of Use, etc.) Changes to the purposes of using personal information, management methods, and other modifications to this Privacy Policy will take effect when the Secretariat posts the revised Privacy Policy on this website.

Article 13 (Disclaimer) The Secretariat shall not be held responsible in the following cases, even if third parties acquire a user’s personal information:

  1. When a user voluntarily discloses personal information to third parties using the functions of this website or other means.
  2. When a user provides confirmation or consent for the acquisition of personal information by such third parties.
  3. When personal information is acquired from other websites linked within this website.

Article 14 (Responsible Person for Management) The individual responsible for the management of personal information within the Secretariat is as follows:

Name: Ruita Takagi
Position: Director of the Secretariat
Organization: Non-Profit Organization Clover Health International
Address: 2-103-18 Hirao, Inagi-shi, Tokyo 206-0823 JAPAN

For inquiries related to personal information, please contact us through the “Contact Us” page.